where innovation meets opportunity!


10 March , 2024
Registration Starts
Registration for the event will start from 10th March, 2024.
27 March, 2024
Registration Ends
No more registrations will be accepted after 27 March , 2024 11:59 PM.
29 March,2024
Hackathon Starts
Show up your creativiy and build your teams.
29 March ,11:00 AM
Kick off Session
29 March ,5:00 PM
Expert Talk 1
A surprise talk on a spotlight topic for everyone
30 March ,5:00 PM
Expert Talk 2
31 March ,5:00 PM
Expert Talk 3
31 March ,7:00 PM
Closing Ceremony
7 April ,2024
Result Announcement
Winners be ready to get awesome prizes for your creative ideas.

About the Event

Welcome to the WebHack1.0 Hackathon 2024, where innovation meets opportunity! Our hackathon is a dynamic platform designed to inspire and empower aspiring web developers to showcase their skills, creativity, and passion for building the web of tomorrow. Whether youre a seasoned coder or just starting your journey in web development, this event is for you!

Join us for an exhilarating 3 day coding marathon filled with exciting challenges, insightful workshops, and invaluable mentorship sessions led by industry experts. Explore cutting-edge topics in web development, collaborate with like-minded peers, and unleash your full potential as you tackle real-world problems with innovative solutions.

Contact Details

Harshit Dugar


Dev Sanghvi


Tishya Mav


Riddhi Kakkad


Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct outlines the expected behavior of all participants, organizers, mentors, volunteers, sponsors, and judges at WEBHACK 1.0. We are committed to providing a safe, inclusive, and productive environment for everyone, regardless of background, experience level, race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, personal appearance, or religion.

Any participant found to be in violation of this Code of Conduct may be expelled from the event.

If you need to report an incident or have any questions regarding this Code of Conduct, please contact


Registration will be open from 10th March, 2024 to 27th March, 2024 11:59 PM.